I Am So Glad I Found You Quotes: These beautiful so happy I found you quotes will help you communicate your thankfulness to the special person that makes you happy and excited about life. A special person who plays these roles in your life deserves acknowledgment, appreciation, and sweet words. Hence, the reason for carefully putting these I am so happy I found you quotes together for you. Enjoy!!
Expressing how glad you are to have found someone special can be a beautiful sentiment. Here are some quotes that capture that feeling:
- “I am so glad I found you; you’ve turned my ordinary life into a fairy tale.”
- “In this vast world, finding you was my greatest fortune. I am so glad I found you.”
- “You came into my life like a melody and filled it with the sweetest tunes. I’m so glad I found you.”
- “Life is a journey, and I’m grateful it led me to you. I am so glad I found you, my love.”
- “You are the missing piece I never knew my heart needed. I am so glad I found you.”
- “In the chaos of life, you are my serene oasis. I am incredibly glad I found you.”
- “You are the answer to every prayer I’ve ever offered. I am so glad I found you, my love.”
I Found You Quotes
❝You are so perfect for me; my life has completely changed because of you. I’m so happy to have you in my life”
❝I always thought love was overrated until I met you.”
❝Do you want to know who I’m in love with? Read the first word again. Unknown”
❝I’m so happy that I found you.”
❝You’re my serendipity. I wasn’t looking for you. I wasn’t expecting you. But I’m very lucky I met you.”
❝I am so thankful for the moments, so glad I got to know you”
❝I have found finally found my Prince charming, so what if I had to kiss a few frogs on the way”
❝It will bring them much joy.”
❝Sweetheart, you always give me new experiences and more reasons to smile. I love being around you, and I’m so glad I found you.”
❝Whether it was fate or lucky coincidence, I’m glad I met you.”
❝Ever since I met you, no one else has been worth thinking about.”
❝When I think of you, I think of kindness, wisdom, and love. Thanks for being you. -Sam crow”
❝I’m so glad I found you.”
❝Thinking of you.”
❝Since I met you. I feel perfect in eve every way.”
❝You might not have been my first love, but you were the love that made all the other loves irrelevant. Rupi Kaur”
❝I’m so glad I found you.”
❝Darling, with you, life has been so beautiful, I’m so glad I found you.”
❝Love is pure. It has no complications. I am Glad I Found You, sweetheart.”
❝Even when I don’t say a word, you know exactly how I feel; I’m blessed to have you as my best friend.”
❝I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow. Leo Christopher”
❝Sweetheart, you are everything that I would ever want in life. I am so happy that I found you.”
❝I always thought life was very unfair until I found you. I’m glad I found you.”
❝Darling, my heart beats for you; you are the sweetest thing that has ever happened to me. I am glad that I met you.”
❝There’s something unique about you, that I will never find anywhere else. I’m glad I met you.”
❝Whenever I think of you makes my heart feels happy. I’m glad I have you in my life.”
❝Seeing you happy, makes every moment in my life memorable. I am so happy that I found you.”
❝Ever since I met you, no one else has been worth thinking about – Kim Karr”
❝“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” – Robert A. Heinlein”
❝I lost my way to you and in you, I found back to me”
❝I found my home and paradise with you”
I Am So Glad I Found You Quotes
❝Everything about you is special and makes my heart melt. You mean the entire world to me, and I’m grateful I found you. I love you so much, my dear.”
❝Ever since the day I met you, you have made my life better and brighter. You are radiant, caring, and beautiful and I am so glad you are mine! – B.L. Berry, An Unforgivable Love Story”
❝Real love and happiness are hard to come by, thank goodness I found you”
❝You’re so precious to me that I plan to treat you right and savor each moment like a prized possession. I am so happy I found you, darling.”
❝You give me strength, purpose, beauty, and everything else I didn’t think I needed. I’m so glad I found you, dear.”
❝There are no limits to what I can achieve in life because you’re by my side. Thank you for your unwavering support, babe. I am so lucky to have found you!”
❝Now That I Found you, I found Love Our life will not be the same Once we were two, now we are one.”
❝It’s the greatest thing you can do for those you love.”
❝Now That We Found Love Let’s make it strong, built the relationship each day I love you and am glad I have found you.”
❝You could wake them up to a romantic good morning love quote by texting it to them or leaving them a love note.”
❝Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for making me smile like crazy. Thank you for making me happy. I love that I found you.”
❝I like that I’m getting to know your mind and soul deeper. You’re everything I need and the answers to my prayers. Grateful I found you, babe.”
❝Our future together is important to me, and I will do everything to protect us. I love you, babe, and I am so lucky to have found you.”
❝Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.”
❝I became alive the day I met you. Before that, I was not living, only existing.”
❝I am thankful that I decided to open up and express my true feelings of love to him.”
❝I am so happy to have you in my life. You make me feel happy in a special way that no one can”
❝Thanks to you, I’m smiling more than I’ve ever done, and my cheeks hurt most of the time. You’re the best part of my life, and I’m glad I found you.”
❝Is it cheesy to say that your smile makes me smile? I’m impressed by you and enamored as well. So grateful I found you, darling.”
❝I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you – Paulo Coelho”
❝Every day we are together, I realize how blessed I am. You make me a better person and bring out the best in me. I am so lucky to have found you, babe.”
❝I may not have all the material things I need, but I have you, and it’s more than enough for me. I am so happy I found you, darling.”
❝“I wish I knew how to quit you.” – Brokeback Mountain”
❝You have this incredible way of making my heart happy.”
❝Of all the things that are going to stress me in this life, you’re not one of them. I’m grateful for you, and I am so happy I found you, darling.”
I’m So Glad I Met You Messages
❝My love, thank you for being part of my life”
❝I know it’s been rough for us in the last few days, but I promise to make it up to you. I am so lucky to have found you, love.”
❝It’s your love that keeps me going every day. I’m so glad I found you, and I thank you for being my source of inspiration and hard work.”
❝There’s never a day without me appreciating God for giving you to me. I am so lucky to have found you, honey!”
❝I promise that there will never be a day that passes without you knowing that I care a lot about you. I am so lucky to have found you, my darling.”
❝I am so grateful to have you in my life – I feel complete.”
❝It is you who gave me reasons to live happily. I feel complete with you, I can’t imagine a life without you. You are my joy so glad I found you.”
❝I especially love how you manage to always lift my spirits and make me smile when I’m having a bad day. You’re good for me, and I am so happy I found you.”
❝With you, life has been so beautiful, happy to have met you”
❝Each and everything you do makes me smile and your love and support make me happy. Darling, I love you. I hope you stay with me forever.”
❝Your beautiful heart is unmatched, and I’m glad I’m the one who’s mostly in it. I’m grateful to have found you, sweetie.”
❝Now that I found you You are my hope I will love you till the end of time I will always be there for you.”
❝When things aren’t going well, I only need to get to you, and I’ll feel better. You’re home and a safe space for me, and I’m grateful I found you.”
❝The moment I saw you When I looked into your eyes When you smiled, I knew I found my missing rib.”
❝I Love You I Found the One I Love Poem I have climbed mountains In search of the one I love, now I have found her and am not letting go.”
❝Thank you for giving me the motivation and strength to get this far in life. I am so happy I found you, darling.”
❝Your company is a healing balm to my soul, and my world is better with you. So grateful I found you, sweetheart.”
❝Since I met you, I’ve felt abandoned without your nearness; your nearness is all I ever dream of and the only thing I ever want -Franz Kafka, The Castle”
❝Nothing on earth compares to having you in my life. You are a part of me and I’m so grateful to have you.”
❝“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.” -Elbert Hubbard”
❝Seeing the world through your eyes has been refreshing and enlightening. Babe, you get me hopeful and excited, and I’m so glad I found you.”
❝I may have waited a while for you, but I’ll gladly do it again because there’s no one like you. I am so lucky to have found you, dear.”
❝Your presence fills the gaps in my heart and life. I’m grateful to have found you, and I promise to always love you.”
❝Words of appreciation are a great way to boost each other’s confidence and ensure that you are feeling loved and expressing gratitude well.”
I Am So Lucky To Have Found You
❝Never forget that you are perfect for me and that there’s no one else I’d rather do life with other than you. I’m glad I met you, babe.”
❝You are the light of my world and the calm in my storms. I’m so glad I found you, and I’m grateful to be forever by your side.”
❝Use every opportunity to tell them exactly how much you mean to them and how glad you are to have met them.”
❝Your potential is inspiring, and I can’t wait for the world to see them. I’m so glad I found you, and I’m proud to be the man in your life.”
❝No one else can make me happy as you do”
❝“I’m happiest when I’m being myself and I’m myself when I’m with you.” – What’s Your Number?”
❝Why would I let go of the one thing I had found? my missing rib, the joy in my heart. I am glad I have you.”
❝“Come live in my heart and pay no rent.” – Samuel Lover”
❝My love, You are so perfect for me You were the missing rib in my life I am glad I found you.”
❝You’ve become the best part of my life, and it’s amazing to watch. I am so lucky to have a partner that loves me as much as you do. I am so happy I found you.”
❝Saying I love you can be scary for some people but it is important to share with the one you love just how much you love them.”
❝Now that I found you, it is worth living”
❝I’m excited that I have you to share all of life’s special moments with. I’m grateful for you, and I’ll never stop loving you.”
❝There are no doubts in my heart about where I stand with you. Not only is this sweet to know, but it’s also reassuring. I am so happy I found you, babe.”
❝I’m so happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I love the ways you find to make me smile every single day. Am happy I found you.”
❝Being in your company always soothes me. Thank you for choosing to do forever with me. I am so lucky to have found you, babe.”
❝You’re the reason why I fall asleep with my phone in my hand every night. I’m thankful I met you.”
❝You’re like my favorite song on the radio, I could listen to you all day.”
Grateful I Love You Quotes
❝Going the extra mile.”
❝Missing you is my hobby, caring for you is my job, making you happy is my duty, and loving you is my life.”
❝The world can be cruel sometimes but you help me deal with it. Thank you for always staying by my side.”
❝Her beauty, her voice Sweeps away my heart Whenever I am with her She melts my heart.”
❝You’re the missing piece to the puzzle of my heart”
❝You are the joy I always look forward to coming home to, and you certainly calm me in many ways. So glad I found you, sweetheart.”
❝I wasn’t looking for anything at all when I met you. I wasn’t planning on falling for anyone so soon. But then I met you. And that was it… I guess things just happened. I found you and I found myself slowly wanting to spend time with you. It was simple. It was easy. And I think that’s how the best relationships begin. You’re not looking for anything and then suddenly you realize; you have something. Unknown”
❝I’m glad that I found you on the first page of the book of my life, but it hurts that I will not find you on the last page of the book of my life, even after loving u truly, caring & pampering u like a child, from bottom of my heart…… – Parkhi”
❝To my girlfriend in your eyes, I have found my home in your heart, I have found my love in your soul, I have found my mate with you, I am whole, full, alive I’m so happy that you are mine and I am yours that we have a whole life to build the most precious memories I just want to tell you that I am happy to have you in my life I love you so much.”
❝I’m glad I found you this Christmas at cp ward 99 I may not be right there whenever you needed me, but I’m just a call, a text, a drive away from you. I’m always here.”
❝You are my everything and I’ve loved you since I met you. And I will love you for all of eternity. Everything changes but my love for you never will. Angela Corbett”
❝I feel like everything in my life has led me to you. My choices, my heartbreaks, my regrets. Everything. And when we’re together, my past seems worth it. Because if I had done one thing differently, I might never have met you.”
❝I began to think, now is the time. I found quite a lot of opposition in Hollywood about the idea of doing a film musical and we ended up having to buy the rights back. I’m glad we did because it meant John and I were able to make exactly the movie we wanted.” Andrew Lloyd Webber
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