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79 Motivational And Inspirational Quotes You’re Going To Love

Motivational And Inspirational Quotes Youre Going To Love

Motivational and inspirational quotes you’re going to love: Looking for motivational quotes that’ll help you reach your potential each day? You’ll find the best motivator quotes and best motivational quotes here. Happiness and challenges that will test your strength and honesty, drive you to conquer obstacles and leave you with lessons that will make you much better on your way up. Life is packed with highs and lows.

It is the way you act and think about yourself that profoundly influences all that happens to you, including your hopes and opinions about what is feasible for you. All start out with your feelings. You transform the quality of your life as you change your feelings.

Motivational And Inspirational Quotes You’re Going To Love

1. “I have a whole little world in my brain.” — Anonymous

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2. “Hate is heavy let it go.” — Anonymous

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3. “Your peace is more important than driving yourself crazy trying to understand. Why someting happened the way it did. Let it go.” — Anonymous

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4. “My mission: To be so busy loving my life that I have no time for hate, Regret, Worry, Fret, or Fear.” — Anonymous

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5. “For every minute you are angry. You lose 60 seconds of happiness.” — Anonymous

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6. “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” — Anonymous

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7. “Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” — Henry Ford

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8. “Don’t judge people for the choices. They make when you don’t know the options, they had to choose from.” — Anonymous

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9. “An arrow can only be released by first pulling it back. When life pulls you back, it simply means you’re launching into something amazing.” — Anonymous

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10. “You must tell yourself, No matter how hard it is or How hard it gets, I’m going to make it.” — Les Brown

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11. “Take time to make your soul happy.” — Anonymous

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12. “It’s not a tiara. I simply bedazzled my horns.” — Anonymous

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13. “I’ve got this.” — Anonymous13. “I’ve got this.” — Anonymous

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14. “Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer care.” — Anonymous

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15. “Stop telling people more than they need to know.” — Anonymous

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16. “I have endured, I have been broken, I have known hardship, I have lost myself. But here I stand, still moving forward, growing stronger each day. I will never forget the harsh lessons in my life. They made me stronger.” — Anonymous

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17. “Maybe it’s not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it’s about starting over and creating something better.” — Anonymous

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18. “Better an oops than a what if.” — Anonymous

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19. “One day you’ll be at the place you always wanted to be.” — Anonymous

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20. “Sometimes when you’re in a dark place, you think you’ve been buried, but actually you’ve been planted.” — Anonymous

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21. “Stop stressing over shitty people.” — Anonymous

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22. “Actually I Can” — Anonymous

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23. “So far, You’ve survived 100% of your worst days. This too shall pass.” — Anonymous

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24. “The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.” — Anonymous

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25. “You’re not going to master the rest of your life in one day. Just relax. Master the day. Then just keep doing that every day.” — Anonymous

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26. “Being happy is a very personal thing and it really has nothing to do with anyone else.” — Anonymous

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27. “I’m going to make you so proud. Note to self.” — Anonymous

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28. “Just because you aren’t making progress as fast ‘as you think you should does no mean you aren’t Making progress. Keep going. ” — Anonymous

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29. “Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others. ” — Anonymous

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30. “Two things to remember in life: Take care of your thoughts when you are alone”, and “Take care of your words when you are with people.” — Anonymous

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31. “Dear Self, This is going to be your year. So dust off your sh.t kickers & let’s get started. all my love, Me ” — Anonymous

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32. “Never speak from a place of hate, jealousy, anger, or insecurity. Evaluate your words before you let them leave your lips. Sometimes it’s best to be quiet.” — Anonymous

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33. “You’d never invite a thief into your house. So why would you allow thoughts that steal your joy to make themselves at home in your mind? ” — Anonymous

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34. “Even the nicest people have their limits.” — Anonymous

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35. “Keep going and be good to yourself.” — Anonymous

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36. “Be brave enough to travel the unknown path, and learn what you are capable of. ” — Anonymous

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37. “Do not learn how to react. learn how to respond.” — Anonymous

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38. “I choose to be kind because it makes me happy. But I will defend my boundaries and my loved ones without hesitation. Make no mistake: I am fierce.” — Anonymous

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39. “Mirror mirror on the wall, I’ll always get up after I fall. And whether I run, walk or have to crawl, I’ll set my goals and achieve them all.” — Anonymous

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40. “When you can tell your story and it doesn’t make you cry, you know you have healed.” — Anonymous

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41. “A negative mind will never give you a positive life.” — Anonymous

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42. “Don’t Fear.” — Anonymous

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43. “I didn’t cause it. I can’t control it. I can’t cure it. But I won’t condone it. ” — Anonymous

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44. “Never let anyone treat you like a yellow starburst. You area pink starburst. ” — Anonymous

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45. “You’re allowed to scream, you’re allowed to cry, but you’re never allowed to give up.” — Anonymous

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46. “Don’t wait. life goes faster than you think.” — Anonymous

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47. “Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.” — Anonymous

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48. “Calm is a super power.” — Anonymous

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49. “I long for a life I have control of I want a space of my own, decorated with pictures that hold nice memories, soft pillows, and scented candles I want shelves filled with books of adventure and poetry I want to wake up every morning, excited for what is to come I want to look up at the sky and feel the sun warm my face I want to go on walks and hikes and feel healthy and strong I want to feel productive and satisfied I want to take more photographs and take up new hobbies I want to become friends with more interesting people who will teach me about places I’ve never been I want to feel alive.” — Anonymous

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50. “Raise your words not your voice. it is rain that grows flowers not thunder.” — Rumi

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51. “The best apology is changed behavior.” — Anonymous

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52. “Stay away from people who can’t take responsibility for their actions & who make you feel bad for being angry at them when they do you wrong. ” — Anonymous

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53. “3 things to keep private: Your love life. Your income. Your next move.” — Anonymous

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54. “When you’re happy you enjoy the music. When you’re sad you understand the lyrics. ” — Anonymous

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55. “She is a mermaid on dry land and the world is her ocean.” — Anonymous

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56. “Like wildflowers; you must allow yourself to grow all the places people thought you never would. ” — Anonymous

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Motivational quotes about success

  • I know you’re drained, I know you’re shattered because it feels like you can’t take it anymore. After all, you’re done with yourself. Yet one thing that means all of this is because you became a survivor. Your biggest vulnerability, the hurt, the suffering, the betrayal, the feeling you get when you wake up and you are overcome with a great deal of responsibility.
  • It sounds like you’re not capable of breathing. Paralyzed by life’s misery. All I can think is what it would feel like to be you. Still, I’m going to remind you that every one of us has a switch-inside. And you can transform the key from living to winning at any moment in life.
  • Since survival is essentially an illusion. There are only two kinds of people in this country, people who are losing and people who are winning. It’s tough to be a loser, to be a champion, to be a loser. I want you today to decide to flip this turn from living to winning inside of you. The time has come to win. See, human beings are the highest order of the world’s existence. And one thing that I am crystal adamant about is that you can come across a speech or a piece of information at any moment of your life, and if that information is added to that discovery, it can change the fabric of your nature forever. It is in the center of our biggest hurricane where you will sense the voice that you have survived.
  • You survived the flood, you survived the earthquake, you survived the hearing, you survived the treachery, you survived the entire storm. All you have to do is flip this turn from survival to winning to transform your life. See, there will be a victim lying and wallowing in the agony of the past. But even though they are split, the winner will build. Maybe I’m weak, maybe I’m hurting, maybe I’m in pain, maybe I’m down, but I’m not out of here. I’m taking this hole out of here.
  • I’m going to get out of the pit of despair and into my destiny today. Your suffering is not greater than your intent, and even though you are crushed, you still have your calling at this very moment. Flip the turn from weakness to victory, from injury to conquest, from loss to championship. You can’t think about yesterday, because you didn’t come back and look after you yesterday.
  • Who talks to those who are broken? Who talks to the person who is already interested in the process? I’m just dropping it for you. I advise you to keep going when you are faced with resistance. I advise you to keep going while you are faced with adversity. Believe in all that you are and realize that there is something inside you that is bigger than any challenge you will ever encounter. I wish I could reassure you that it’s going to get lighter if you just keep going. That isn’t the truth, though. The reality is that you have to discover something inside you.
  • He’s going to get it all deep inside his mind to get the KING back. But I’m asking you to get rid of the stuff that doesn’t give you the courage you need to continue enjoying the life you’ve been given. You raise your arms like a champ as you get over depression. You raise your arms like a champ as you conquer bankruptcy.
  • Raising your arms in triumph as you come across divorce. You have the spirit of a hero in your mind. You have the mentality of a fighter. That dream is not just about sitting there, waiting for you to come in and get it. When you want to excel, the poor thing is that you want to breathe. When you don’t have much left in your tank, you have to worry about the people with whom you are doing this in your life. And so, if you can conceive about them, you can head for another mile. You will be able to go to work one more day. That’s what it’s all about. Live Breathe Life You Once again, here we go. It’s not about racing, or cycling, about push-ups, about sit-ups.
  • It’s just what those things are doing to your attitude. On the sofa, you’re not doing any better. Same old material once again. Life is a wonderful tug of war between mediocrity and the effort to find the best self. They’re marching down the road. I’m becoming better when everybody else going poorer. One day more and we’re going to be done. At the bottom of the insecurities: terror, self-doubt, lies, in the fetal position, I was buried.
  • How did I get away from that? It was knowing, being honest about it, being honest about it, and then changing it. Hang in the head of your own. Do not encourage them to own yours. I wasn’t born the guy that I turned him into. Once again, here we go. I never told when you want to thrive as bad that you want to eat that you can go without food for 21 days, maybe 30 days.
  • I never told you when you want to excel badly and you want water and without it, you will go only 3 days or so. I said you’re going to be good because you want to excel as bad as you want to breathe. And then you don’t really need better skills per se for one of the things I want to do for you as a teacher today.
  • This is not what you need, so what some of you need is to go from 70% to 120%. Some of you have to go from 80% to 120%. The explanation I’m offering 120 is because it’s not your dad in your life. The reason I am offering 120 is that your dad is in jail. The reason I’m offering 120 is that there are two jobs for your mom. The reason I am offering 120 is that you are being raised by your grandmother. The reason why I offer 120 is that you live in a culture where education is not appreciated. So, I don’t care what you do when you leave here academically, you can’t go and get credit for having A’s.
  • That nobody in your neighborhood affirms that you are reading at a certain stage in your community, nobody affirms that you are doing well on your A.C.T or S.A.T. Where you come from education, it is not affirmed. So even though you have to keep it to yourself, even though you’re a scholar, you have to hide it. So the reason why I give 120 is that you don’t have your daddy to give 80. And your momma is too lazy to give a hundred, and your grandma is washed out, so she gives 50. And y ‘all do that little thing about you going to eat, but you’re not going to have no doggone motor you get sleepy, quick.
  • You’ve been practicing for one or two days, you’ve been stressed out. You make yourself sleepy for a few hours. But right now that’s their lifestyle, you’re fighting against people right now, and you think they’re going to let you take their lifestyle? I don’t want to do that as much as I would like to feed. I don’t want to do it to the point that I need to drink. I want to be as horrible as I want to breathe, to be the best in the world. I would like to gamble on Michael Jordan’s education.
  • I want to bet the schooling of LeBron James and I ask you the question I’m asking you today’s question. Are you giving 120? I never said that if you want to thrive, the negative thing is that you want to feed. I never meant, if you want to win, you’re as bad as you want to water. I told you, if you want to excel as much as you want to breathe, then you will succeed. Winston Churchill said, “The destiny of man is not measured by material computations. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we’re spirits- not animals.” And he said, “something is going on in time and space and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty.”
  • I and you are having a rendezvous with fate. You have the opportunity to leave a permanent impression behind. When the knowledge and understanding of life deepens, you can have it all in your possession. It is about being a master of your own fate. An indelible impact on this world. We all have something in us that we have to deal with, even if we don’t know what it is right now, we have to build it, or we have to discover it. Both of us have this, whatever it might be—this is everything. Only want to dive deep to figure out what you’re curious about and live life like tomorrow doesn’t matter.
  • I don’t worry about what it is, I don’t care about what you want to do, but I don’t care about doing the hell out of it. It takes hard work once again and it takes perseverance. And again, it only takes meaning and insight as well. You have to put your stake in the ground and go for this thing called your future, because you are not going to be offered it by someone. Don’t talk about it, don’t worry about it, don’t expect to just get there after it. Any time in time, both of us have seen our fate and we have decided not to listen, we have decided to deny it. And you say no, that’s—not it’s for me. Life reached in and struck us on the side of the head, and we stopped dreaming again. Give it all you got, and if you lose, at least what will you do? You’re just trying. But if you don’t go out and give yourself 120 percent, you don’t have a man. It is time to realize that you have to be able to fight for it if you want to get anything out of your life.
  • How much are you willing to offer, actually? As long as you have a heartbeat, as long as you have oxygen in your lungs, you have the ability to change this world, to change your destiny, and to live your dream today. Do not dare to settle for anything other than that which you know you can get. Only make sure that you are making your mark. In this country, make sure you’re making your mark.


Motivational And Inspirational Quotes You’re Going To Love “You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.” – Stephen King

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