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Home » 50 Famous Joshua Graham Quotes to Fire Up Your Motivation

50 Famous Joshua Graham Quotes to Fire Up Your Motivation

Famous Joshua Graham Quotes: The following is a selection of Joshua Graham’s most famous quotes that are sure to stoke the fires of desire within your heart. The story of the parable of the Lost Son was the inspiration for Joshua Sawyer’s creation of Joshua Graham. After that, he was implemented as a non-player character in the games “Fall Out: New Vegas” and “Fall Out: Wasteland Warfare” in order to ratchet up the difficulty of the experience.

Heroic Inspirational Joshua Graham Quotes and beautiful images

Joshua Graham Quotes

1. “Leading in battle became training, punishing, terrorizing. A series of small mistakes before a great fall. And I stayed in that darkness until after Hoover Dam.”

joshua graham quotes to fire up your day

2. “Nothing isn’t better or worse than anything. Nothing is just nothing.”

joshua graham quotes

3. “Euthanizing his faith years ago, he just didn’t realize.”

joshua graham i don't believe you understand how grave of a mistake

4. “What’s so bad about the darkness though? It’s peaceful.”

joshua graham warning copypasta

5. “Unless you’re not religious, then the end is simply the end. That’s comforting as well.”

joshua graham all quotes

6. “That’s the light to me—an end to all suffering and responsibility. The light is non-existence.”

joshua graham speech

7. “I have found it difficult at times to forgive myself for what happened. But a significant part of the answer involves forgiveness—something I never truly understood.”

joshua graham in my heart i believe

8. “War crimes? I never took you for one with such a lack of understanding of the world, the war ended centuries ago. How can I commit war crimes if the war is over?”

joshua graham baptism quote

9. “He didn’t like whining women, but he really, really hated whining men.”

joshua graham fire quote

10. “They were businessmen who were worse than any of the Bloods or Crips I ever met—and believe me, I met more than a few of them in my life.”

Joshua Graham famous line
Joshua Graham famous line

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